What are the maintenance and maintenance methods for printing equipment?

The demand for printing equipment continues to increase, mainly due to the high degree of automation of printing equipment and the speed of printing. However, if the printing equipment is used for a long time, its performance will be degraded in all aspects, which will affect the speed and quality of printing. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the maintenance and maintenance of printing equipment when we use it.

For the maintenance and repair of printing equipment, we must pay attention to the following aspects.

1. For the maintenance of the oil circuit, we must ensure that the oil circuit of the printing equipment is smooth, so that it can operate normally. Therefore, we have to regularly change the oil of the printing equipment and clean its oil filter.

2. For the maintenance of the printing equipment itself, we must ensure that its moving parts should be clean and lubricated, so that its bearing seat and worm seat should be free of metal particles, so that the printing machinery can be operated flexibly and fully The performance of the printing equipment is played to avoid bumps.

3. For electrical maintenance, we only need to do a regular cleaning, because the safety device of the printing equipment is very sensitive. If there is too much dust, it may lead to poor contact, so the printing equipment can not continue to operate.

4. For the maintenance of the pneumatic circuit, it is necessary to carry out a regular cleaning of the gas valve and the gas cylinder. If it is only necessary to rely on the air pressure of these systems for maintenance, it is not enough. Therefore, we also need regular inspection, maintenance, cleaning, etc. for these systems.

These maintenance and maintenance of the printing equipment can not only increase the service life of the printing equipment, but also maintain its performance, and can further increase the printing speed.

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