We all know that the manufacturer will say the conditions of use when buying any items. For example, the seller who buys a down jacket will say that this cannot be hand-washed and should be placed in a dry place. When buying appliances, this thing is not water-filled. It depends on whether the voltage is stable. Are there any dangers such as peeling and leakage of wires? Similarly, when we purchase test instruments, we use them as a kind of scientific experimental testing instruments. In the high and low temperature test chamber standards, we clearly stipulate the use conditions of the test chamber:
The first is the environmental conditions for placement:
Temperature: 15 ℃ ~ 35 ℃;
Relative humidity: not more than 85%;
Atmospheric pressure: 80kPa ~ 106kPa;
No strong vibration around;
No direct sunlight or direct radiation from other heat sources;
No strong airflow around: when the surrounding air needs to be forced to flow, the airflow should not be directly blown onto the box;
There is no strong electromagnetic field around;
There is no high concentration of dust and corrosive substances around.
Second is the power supply / water supply conditions:
Power supply conditions:
Voltage: 220V ± 22V or 380V ± 38V;
Frequency: 50Hz ± 0.5Hz.
Water supply conditions:
Tap water or circulating water that meets the following conditions can be used:
Water temperature: not higher than 30 ℃;
Water pressure: 0.1MPa ~ 0.3MPa;
Water quality: meets industrial water standards.
Finally, the load conditions (load refers to load bearing and placement space):
The load of the test chamber should also meet the following conditions:
The total mass of the load shall not exceed 80kg per cubic meter of working empty volume;
The total volume of the load is not greater than 1/5 of the volume of the working room;
On any cross-section perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction, the sum of the load areas should not be greater than 1/3 of the cross-sectional area of ​​the working room at that location, and the flow of airflow should not be blocked when the load is placed.
LPG Truck
LPG Tanker Truck (liquefied gas tanker), also known as LPG trucks, LGP transporting tanker and Semi-Trailer. It is used to transport propane, propylene, dimethyl ether, ammonia, methylamine, acetaldehyde and other gases in the Special Purpose Vehicle. CLW GROUP TRUCK Liquefied gas tanker is a pressure vessel, "Pressure Vessel Safety Technology Supervision" promulgated by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision, "Liquefied Gas Tanker Safety Supervision" and GB150 "steel pressure vessel", the use of lightweight design, manufacture of special vehicles. With a reasonable structure, safe, reliable, easy operation, easy maintenance.
From the use of liquefied gas tankers, manufacturing and supervisory inspection is divided into the following categories:
(1) according to the loading material can be divided into: Propane tank truck, propylene tank truck , dimethyl ether tank truck, ammonia tank truck , methylamine tank truck, acetaldehyde tank truck, etc.
(2) according to the process and the role of loading capacity can be divided into: LPG vehicles, liquefied gas transport semi-trailer, liquefied gas storage tanks. the liquefied gas storage tanks can be designed for two kinds there`s underground storage tanks and ground storage tanks.
CLW GROUP TRUCK Liquefied gas tanker is a pressure vessel, "Pressure Vessel Safety Technology Supervision" promulgated by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision, "Liquefied Gas Tanker Safety Supervision" and GB150 "steel pressure vessel", the use of lightweight design, manufacture of special vehicles. With a reasonable structure, safe, reliable, easy operation, easy maintenance.
Liquefied gas tanker surface corrosion coatings are used sand blasting, painting, purging and other advanced technology.
A liquefied gas tanker truck belonging to a type of gas that a single shipment of a professional body material is strictly prohibited mixed shipment.
Take rigorous scientific construction advanced technology, ensuring a minimum of shrinkage, the highest dimensional stability at low temperatures.
Strict quality inspection: A, Class B 100% weld-ray detection, II level qualified
C, D welds 100% magnetic particle inspection, qualified level
CLW GROUP TRUCK LPG Truck It can be modified according to the needs of customers design suitable for liquid ammonia, liquid sulfur dioxide, propylene, propane, liquefied petroleum gas, dimethyl ether, n-butane, isobutane, butene, isobutene, butadiene, ethylene oxide and other large truck part gas.
1. CLW GROUP TRUCK Tankers used should be specified in the national manufacturing plant, and for an operating license. Truck should be equipped with fire-fighting equipment.
2. There should be tankers with guard personnel, and prohibit other persons aboard. The driver and guard personnel can not smoke in the truck. Tankers allowed towing trailers. Should hang with "danger" signs.
3. The driver can not be launched when loading and unloading vehicles.
4. Interior temperature reaches 40 degrees, the sun should be taken outside the tank or water-cooled cooling hunting and other security facilities.
5. If you need to stop on the way when the tank should be well-ventilated, no fire and buildings within 10 meters of place to prevent exposure. Drivers and escort personnel shall at the same time away from the vehicle. No parking in institutions, factories, warehouses and staff dense areas.
6. LPG leak occurred when a large number of tankers should stanch the emergency, and shall not start the vehicle. And immediately contact the relevant units, departments, cut off all sources of ignition, take timely fire extinguishing measures.
Lpg Truck,Lpg Transportation Truck,Lpg Tank Truck,Lpg Gas Truck,Fuel Transport Tanker Truck
CLW GROUP TRUCK , https://www.clwgrouptruck.net