1. Dirty
1) Underdeveloped
2) Inappropriate gluing
3) The water roll cloth is dirty
4) The ink is too soft (dilute)/more grease.
5) Oxidation: Moisture appears on the surface of the plate when it is treated with water and ink. The edition is "too dry." Edition sucks ink from the water roller
6) Dirty in printing: lack of glue in fountain solution
7) Dirty ribs around the drum: check the dampening system/ink roller 2. Bad image, ink from the ink
1) The graphic part is too glued
2) Excessive use of plate cleaners
3) Dirty Solution
4) Ink lacks moisture resistance and ink should be replaced
5) Excessive pressure on plate and squeegee
6) Use excessive concentrations of fountain solution or alcohol
3 paste version
1) Ink emulsification
2) Incompatibility of ink and fountain solution
3) Detergent or cleaning agent on the dampening roller
4) Improper setting of the water roller
5) Reaction between fountain solution and paper
4. Edition wears out, graphics are destroyed prematurely
1) Excessive exposure
2) Roller lining too much, ink roller set too large
3) Incompatible cleaners, solvents, or blanket cleaners
4) The roller or blanket is too hard
5) Corrosive ink
5. Printing plate cracking
1) Loose plate version
2) The version is folded or improperly installed
3) The orientation of the sand grain is wrong
4) Plate liner slide
6. Dot gain 1) Underexposure or underdeveloped
2) The film is not in good contact with the plate
3) Excessive ink supply
4) Edition or blanket liner is too thick
5) Inker roller setting too hard
6) Fountain solution is too weak
7. Loss of outlets
1) Overexposure or overdevelopment
2) The film is not in good contact with the plate