Buy travel bags, levers, wheels and other details can not be ignored. A full-featured and high-quality travel bag is essential, otherwise the wheels or bent rods will be affected during the trip, which will greatly affect the travel's good mood. So as ordinary consumers, when purchasing travel bags, we must judge the quality of the bags through details.
Hard box is stronger than soft box?
Hard box plastic will naturally age
  Travel bags sold on the market generally can be divided into two categories: hard box and soft box according to the box structure. The material of the hard box is mainly plastic, and the material of the soft box is fabric or leather. Because of the material, the moisture resistance and pressure resistance of the hard box is stronger than that of the soft box, and because the box itself has a certain hardness, even if the box is subjected to external impact, the contents of the box will not be easily damaged.
  Compared with the hard case, the soft case is inferior in terms of impact resistance and moisture resistance, but the soft case also has its own characteristics. Its characteristic is that the case itself is lighter in weight and the case has a certain degree of retractability. Compared with the hard box of the same specification, the soft box can hold more items. The large capacity, light weight and convenience are the biggest advantages of the soft box. Some consumers, judging from the appearance, felt that the hard box was stronger than the soft box. Ding Chenghua reminded consumers that since the material used for the hard box is plastic, the plastic will inevitably age after several years of use. In fact, it cannot be simply assumed that the hard box is stronger than the soft box. When purchasing travel bags, consumers can purchase a suitable bag for themselves according to the items they are used to carrying when they travel.
Dongguan Haida Instrument Co., Ltd. specializes in the development and production of luggage testing instruments. We have a wealth of experience and a good reputation in luggage instruments. Welcome to visit our factory to discuss purchasing!