In order to reveal the impact of land use changes on the soil carbon and nitrogen cycle, the researcher Cheng Xiaoli of the Department of System Ecology, Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences used soil fractionation and carbon and nitrogen stable isotope methods (δ13C, δ15N) to study forests, shrubs, and farmland ecosystems in the Danjiangkou reservoir area The mechanism of different land use types on soil organic carbon and nitrogen cycle.
The study found that the restoration of forests and shrubs in the past 20 years has significantly increased soil organic carbon content, with woodland soil organic carbon content being the highest. The accumulation of soil organic carbon depends on the increase of plant litter carbon input and the decrease of soil organic carbon decomposition. Forests and shrubs increase the input of litter biomass. The C / N ratio (C: N) of soil organic matter in farmland, shrubland and woodland is from low to high. The index of non-decomposable organic carbon in forest land and shrub soil is higher than that of farmland, while the index of non-decomposable organic nitrogen in forest land and shrub soil is lower than that of farmland. Organic carbon is more difficult to decompose. The results of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) further indicate that the decomposition rate of farmland soil organic carbon is the highest.
The results of this study revealed that vegetation recovery (forests and shrubs) increased soil organic carbon due to a large amount of plant litter carbon input and reduced soil carbon decomposition rate. Changes in vegetation caused by changes in soil use affect the quality and quantity of soil carbon and have an important impact on ecosystem functions and ecological restoration.
The related research results are titled The impact of agricultural land use changes on soil organic carbon dynamics in the Danjiangkou Reservoir area of ​​China, published online in the International Journal of Soil Science Plant and soil (DOI 10.1007 / s1 1104-012-1446-6).