For girls, handbags like friends, never too much. Having said that, but if it is always blind to buy it is very wasteful, so we have to understand what package is essential for girls, so that when the new season will be a wise choice, is now autumn, Little Mongolian Amoy to you today several autumn package! Tote Why Mongolian first recommended tote bag it? Tote bag is a large capacity to hold a lot of things in the package, it is a wide range of applicability, whether to go to work or travel to the street, no matter what the shape is wild ~ High-capacity, convenient and practical package, with a small suit, jeans, immediately flew OL Fan, this does not sensationalism attitude, is now the professional women hold the point of coincide. There is this minimalist tote and the same low-key shirt with, no matter who can easily manage it ~ For Freaky Fanfan this body casual play accompanied tote bag is the most appropriate - Not only suit to lined it Oh, dress shawl coat, coupled with this section, filling the feminine, full gas field! handbag Women without a handbag there is no future, high quality women must be the preferred handbag, modest package type, to meet you perfect to attend all occasions. Handbags have more significant feminine do not have to say more Xiaobian it! Not only is the first choice for important occasions, as a daily mix can also spark fashion sparks ~ Angelababy, loose sweater with split skirts, Oriental women can wear the classic out of the United States, while the silver hand is the combination of classical femininity and modern beauty ~ Handbag is not just exclusive dresses, with pants are also very kind oh simple atmosphere, casual with femininity, classic autumn travel demonstration!