Principle of laser anti-counterfeiting trademark

Many commodities have fixed quotations. There are still some items that have no standard quotation. We also know the anti-counterfeiting trademarks. The quotation is not fixed. Customers who have customized anti-counterfeit labels must know the originals. No matter what kind of products, there will always be some factors that will affect their quotations. They will usually be divided into materials, manufacturing processes, labor costs, transportation conditions, etc. The editor will take us to understand why the price of anti-counterfeit labels is different. This article will introduce you to the principle of laser anti-counterfeiting trademarks.

The anti-counterfeiting trademark printing technology is a special anti-counterfeiting trademark technology for dot plate making. It is artificially different from the mesh angle of the hidden image area of ​​the printing film or the printing plate and the mesh angle of the display area, and is added to the printed matter. A more conventional method of printing negative film with the same mesh line and mesh angle, and exposing the invisible pattern with a clear moiré pattern, can obtain a unique method for making anti-counterfeit trademarks.

The new anti-counterfeit trademark differs from the traditional anti-counterfeit trademark in that people can know the knowledge about wine using a reader similar in shape to a CD player, and then choose the product according to their needs. This special anti-counterfeiting trademark will tell people about the origin of the wine, the method of making it, the origin of the grapes from which the wine is made, and even introduce the consumer to how to better taste and identify the fine wines.

The National 315 Product Anti-Counterfeiting Inquiry Center brings together a large number of outstanding talents in information security, software and hardware, cryptography and communication networks, closely tracking domestic and foreign technology development trends, and constantly introducing new products, new services and comprehensive anti-counterfeiting label technology, better To meet the urgent needs of famous enterprises for brand building, channel regulation and customer relationship management, and to increase the technical difficulty and threshold of counterfeiting and infringement counterfeiting, and to become a long-term trusted partner of customers.

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