Recently, we have always had white bars on the fixed parts of printed products. It was thought that the contact pressure between the water roller and the plate layout was incorrect, and as a result, no problem was found after the inspection. It is also suspected that the string water roller transmission gear is seriously worn, but after replacing the new gear, the printed product white bars still exist. Finally, after careful observation, it was found that the time for the water transfer roller to swing to the water roller was just on the printing plate, and the water transfer roller controlled by the cam should be at the neutral position of the plate cylinder. Therefore, the analysis may be due to the impact of an external impact force, so that the water roller and the layout of the instantaneous heavy pressure friction, or the instantaneous linear velocity changes in sliding friction, will produce a fixed white bars on the print.
Therefore, we adjusted the position of the control roller of the water transfer roller so that the time for the water transfer roller to stand on the upper roller was positive in the neutral position of the plate cylinder. After the test machine, print white bars troubleshooting.