3. Incast resolution. Interpolation resolution is the resolution of the scanner after the optical sensor is used for resolution scanning, and then it is obtained by mathematical interpolation through software interpolation. The interpolation software resamples the scanned image according to a mathematical formula, scans the image data points on average, and inserts new pixels between the original data. In fact, the interpolation data does not "true" increase image detail, but smoothes the image details, making the image appear to be more blurred than the image that was not interpolated. Interpolation increases the resolution and the poorer the quality of the image.
For non-xy scanners, resolution interpolation is required when the scanned image requires a higher resolution and the scanner's optical resolution cannot be achieved. For example, if the resolution of the scanner is 600 dpi, When setting the original size and requiring a 700 dpi scan, the software must be interpolated and additional pixels generated by the scanner.
Xy-Zoom scanners can change their optical resolution depending on the size of the original, so they need to interpolate to change the resolution to accommodate large originals. The xy-scanner applies interpolated matching to the resolution along the CCD arrangement perpendicular to the CCD arrangement. . For all types of scanners, the type of interpolation is customizable, however, whether or not the scanner requires interpolation depends on its scanning optical resolution. If the scanner can optically achieve the desired resolution, it does not have to be interpolated to increase the resolution, otherwise the scanner must be interpolated to the desired resolution. To better understand the difference between non-xy scanners and xy scanners, we need to consider how non-xy scanners collect image data. The first platform scanner has a lens in front of the CCD that covers the scanner's platform width. This technique allows the scanner to have only one optical resolution. The optical system can only move in the X direction. The disadvantage of this type of scanner is that this technology has a fixed optical resolution that requires interpolation for higher resolution, and There is a lack of scanning quality at the edge of the scanning original table.
The second generation of flatbed scanners have multiple lenses covering different widths, ie lenses with a width corresponding to the full width of the scanner, 1/2 and 1/4, which give the scanner three different kinds of optics. Resolution, the optical system still can only move in the x direction. This technique solves the problem of optical resolution of small-scale originals, but for large-scale originals, wide-field, low-resolution lenses are still used to scan and place originals at the edge of the original table. The quality of scanned images is still a problem. That is, only high-resolution images can be obtained at the high-resolution lens scan range. We call this region the optimal scan region.
4.xy movement. Each scanner manufacturer has its own method to make the scanner have a xy motion scan method. Overall, this type of exercise is currently accomplished by the following methods:
1 Move the document table in the x direction and move the sensor in the y direction;
2 Move the sensor in the x and y directions without the original table.
The xy scanner can scan the same image in different areas of the platen. This feature allows the xy scanner to scan small originals with high resolution.
5.z zoom. The focal length of the multi-lens optical system or the focal length of the zoom lens that is focused on the document table is changed so that the scanning area and the optical resolution can be changed at the same time. For small originals, the use of the zoom function of the lens in the xy scan and the ability to traverse the original platform by means of a CCD and a lens solve the scanning problem of the original at the edge of the original table. For large manuscripts, limited resolution can still be achieved by moving the lens away from the width. The lens shift away reduces the optical resolution of the scanner (by enlarging the coverage width of the CCD element) and the angle of the original change in the scan causes edge sharpening through the lens group.
6. Image stitching. Flattening is a truly unique feature of the xy flatbed scanner. Flattening helps the xy scanner scan the cropped picture area of ​​any size original placed anywhere on the scanner's original table at maximum resolution. Since the imaging sensor scans the imaged image area in the x and y directions, the sensor always scans the image data within the collection band in high resolution imaging. The software then merges the data strips without pixels to obtain a scanned image with the correct resolution.
Flattening allows some xy scanners to scan large artwork with high resolution, and art works below 2 x 2.5in generally do not scan with a higher resolution split scanner. Some xy scanners use a stitching function for each scan, while others selectively use a split scan. Only the xy scanner with the flattening function can accomplish the following tasks:
1 Scan any size original at the same optimal resolution anywhere on the original table;
2 The optical scanning center can be determined at any position below the original table;
3 No sharpness loss occurs wherever the edge area of ​​the large original or the scanned image of the small original located at the edge of the original platen is not lost;
4 can scan 70 35mm negatives at a time.
7.3D scan. Some xy systems have a three-dimensional scanning function. This function is determined by whether or not the scanning manuscript table is moving. If the xy scanning is achieved by the movement of the original platen, such a scanner does not have a function of clearly scanning and imaging the three-dimensional object. Therefore, the document table of the xy scanner having a three-dimensional scanning function is fixed.